1/8 Beef Share (Deposit) | Bosben Rd Beef Co
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1/8 Beef Share (Deposit)

Expect 40-50lbs of beef. Recommended freezer space= 2-3 cu ft.

40% Ground beef

30% Steaks

30% Roasts


Below you will find an example breakdown of amounts and cuts that will be included in this share. Size and quantity will vary slightly depending on the finishing weight of the specific animal.


Steaks= At least 3 variations of the following types of steaks

Tbone Steak, Porterhouse Steak, Ribeye Steak, New York Strip Steak, Filet, Sirloin Steak, Top Round Steak, Chuck Steak


Roasts= At least 2 variations of the following types of roasts.

Chuck Roast, Arm Roast, Sirloin Tip Roast, Rolled Rump Roast, Round Roast


Ground Beef= packed in 1lb packages


Full payment will be required upon pickup or delivery of your beef share.

The total cost before a deposit is $675 ($625 after deposit).

1/8 Beef Share (Deposit)

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